Original air July 15, 2023 | Time 58:00

Bob Dylan released Shadow Kingdom" on June 2, 2023. It was recorded in a studio in Los Angeles in 2021. The recording features beautifully sung renditions of some of his most iconic songs. The sincerity is palpable and wonderful to hear.
- Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
- Most Likely You'll Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine
- It's All Over Now, Baby Blue The Wicked Messenger
Who can follow this wonderful performance by Dylan? I think there's something in John Lennon's demo tapes that captures the same kind of sincere performance. We hear Here We Go Again from a demo casette he did at the Dakota in Manhattan in the mid 70's. From the Beatles anthology we hear the demo of his famous "Strawberry Fields".
Bert Jansch was never as famous as either Bob or John, but he stands up next to them well. We hear the title track from his final studio album Black Swan in 2006. He sang Wild Moutain Thyme Live ad McCage's Guitar Shop i 1981. We also hear "Black Water Side" which was covered by Jimmy Page with Led Zeppelin, although Jansch was not credited for the composition.
Bobby Wood is a young singer songwriter performing here in the Catskills area. He has released an EP called Wood From a Stone and we hear his song El Paso Turnaround which was inspired by Bert Jansch.