From Hyperjinx Tricycle with lyrics by Ron English for his friend Daniel Johnston.
Daniel Johnston passed away on Sept 11, 2019 and we all mourn the loss to our world and pray for his entrance into the next.

Released 2001

Kathy Geary - vocals, piano
Produced by Kathy Geary & Ron English
recorded at Night Owl Studios, NYC 2001
This is the last piece I worked on with Ron English, after a series of collaborations for three different projects, from English 101, Popaganda and Revelations Book II.
Ron wrote the lyrics for this song as a tribute and personal message to his long time friend Daniel Johnston. It mentions some of the icons and images that appear in Daniel's own songs. When I composed this song I was thinking about George Harrison's "Blue Jay Way". The crowd sounds were Ron's idea, he called them the "New Situationist Choir".