Original air date July 23, 2016 | Time 59:00

It's a special talent when three voices blend into one, this was a regular part of the vocabulary of early folk and rock in the early 60's. We hear Peter Paul & Mary from 1966, 1969 amd 2004: "Hurry Sundown", "Leaving on a Jet Plane", "Great Mandella" and "Don't Laugh at Me". The Beatles used three part harmony extensively in their early songs but it slowly disappeared in their work until their final Abbey Road Sessions in 1969; "You Can't Do That", "Yes It Is" and "Because". Crosby Stills and Nash built their sound around three part harmony and from their debut in 1969 we hear "Helplessly Hoping" and "49 Bye-byes". Finally, one of my personal favorites, friends of mine, had Uncle Walt's Band in Austin TX in the early 70's, we hear "Aloha" and "High Hill" from their debut album.