Original air date July 25, 2015 | Time 59:00

Neil Young "The Monsanto Years"
His new album features Lukas and Micah Nelson and their band The Promise of the Real, which they named after a line from one of Neil's songs. They met at Farm Aid because Neil and their father Willie Nelson are good friends. The album was recorded live and we hear the title track. Neil has had three different back up bands, including Crazy Horse and Pearl Jam. We hear a live version of "Cortez the Killer" from 1974's Live Rust and "Safeway Cart" from 1994's Sleeps With Angels, both with Crazy Horse. We hear Neil with Pearl Jam on "Song X" from 1995 Mirror Ball. Neil is a unique guitarist on solo acoustic from 2009 "Light a Candle" and a raging lead player on solo electric guitar from 2010's Le Noise we hear "Sign of Love". Finally we come back to the Monsanto years with "If I Don't Know" and "A Rock Star Bucks a Coffee Shop". Most excellent all around!