Original air date March 1, 2014 | Time 56:00
Harpsichord and Rock

Paul McCartney features harpsichord on his 2013 "New" album and it made me curious. We listen to songs from 1965 - 1970 with harpsichord. The Rolling Stones "Lady Jane" and "Play With Fire" with Brian Jones on harpsichord, Simon & Garfunkel's "Leaves That Are Green" and "Scarborough Fair/Canticle" and The Yardbirds "For Your Love". The Beach Boys recorded SMILE in 1967 but many of the songs were never released until 2011. We hear Brian Wilson's "Wonderful" and "Heros and Villians".

From the same year we hear the Beatles Sgt Pepper's "Fixing a Hole" by Paul followed by his latest "New" from 2013. More Beatles' with "Lucy in the Sky" and George Harrison's "Piggies" from 1968. That same year Jimi Hendrix plays harpsichord on "The Burning of the Midnight Lamp" from Electric Ladyland and finally Nick Drake's "Fly" with John Cale on harpsichord from 1970.
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