Bleecker St. Reality Band "Fourth of July, 1993"

My friend and business partner David Sokol and I formed a band in the early 1990's named "Bleecker St Reality Band". We both lived in the same building on Bleecker St down in the West Village in NYC and we were partners in Euphoria Studios, a music rehearsal studio that is still running strong to this day. We met our bassist Dan Martin, a gifted singer songwriter with Cuban heritage, and together we placed an ad in the Village Voice looking for a lead guitarist. We found Kevin Giordano and made our first recordings within two weeks of meeting him, after maybe two or three rehearsals we produced "Fourth Of July", which was the actual recording date. Dan Martin's girlfriend Linda Rabiet made a video of the session.
We recorded covers. I had been a huge fan of Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks and we did two of his songs.